Three words!
Ha ha hopefully no one was thinking it was me who was being brought together with marriage... because I am far from that! Heavens I would have to find a man first for that to be true... not just my multiple crushes on boys! ha ha But seriously I'm just as excited as if it was me getting married, because my brother is getting married to the girl of his dreams! They actually got engaged a couple weeks ago, but I'm just getting around to posting it! I'm so stoked for them to be together forever on December 29! And the best part is not that she'll be his wife... but my sister! Alex is so fun and cute I just love her! I can't wait for her to be my sister... even though they already invite me to do a lot with them... now I'll get to do even more with her! Yay! They are the cutest couple ever! Congrats guys!
AWE thanks gerin!!! IM SO EXCITED to be apart of your family!!!